Periodic Table of Selected Elements
Symbol |
Name |
Atomic Number |
Au |
Gold |
79 |
Ag |
Silver |
47 |
Pt |
Platinum |
78 |
Cu |
Copper |
29 |
Ni |
Nickel |
28 |
Al |
Aluminum |
13 |
Pb |
Lead |
82 |
Fe |
Iron |
26 |
H₂O |
Water |
N/A |
N₂ |
Nitrogen |
7 |
O₂ |
Oxygen |
8 |
Ar |
Argon |
18 |
CO₂ |
Carbon Dioxide |
N/A |
Commodities (Råvaror)
- Gold (Guld)
A precious metal widely used for jewelry, electronics, and investment.
- Silver (Silver)
A versatile metal used in jewelry, industrial applications, and electronics.
- Oil (Olja)
A vital energy resource and raw material for many industries.
- Chemical composition: Complex hydrocarbons (e.g., CₙH₂ₙ₊₂)
- Copper (Koppar)
A key industrial metal used in wiring, plumbing, and electronics.
- Platinum (Platina)
A precious metal used in jewelry, catalysts, and industrial applications.
- Nickel (Nickel)
A metal commonly used in stainless steel and rechargeable batteries.
- Aluminum (Aluminium)
A lightweight metal widely used in packaging, construction, and transportation.
- Lead (Bly)
A dense metal often used in batteries, radiation shielding, and alloys.
Minerals (Mineraler)
- Silicate (Silikat)
A group of minerals composed of silicon and oxygen, essential in construction and ceramics.
- Chemical formula: Varies (e.g., SiO₄ for basic tetrahedra)
- Iron (Järn)
A metallic element and a major component of steel, used extensively in construction and manufacturing.
Chemistry (Kemi)
- Water (Vatten)
A universal solvent essential for life, covering 70% of Earth's surface.
- Nitrogen (Kväve)
A gas that makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere, vital for plant growth.
- Oxygen (Syre)
A gas essential for respiration and combustion, making up 21% of the atmosphere.
- Argon (Argon)
An inert noble gas used in welding, lighting, and industrial processes.
- Carbon dioxide (Koldioxid)
A greenhouse gas essential for photosynthesis and widely studied for its role in climate change.