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Setup Go in IntelliJ

  • Download latest from
  • add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin in .bashrc
  • IntelliJ > Settings > Langugaes & Frameworks > Go > GOROOT > /use/local/go

Useful commands

  • go mod init test (create go project)
  • go get ./... (install all dependencies)
  • go get (install specific dependencies)

Setup a project

mkdir aws-go-examples
cd aws-go-examples
go mod init aws-go-examples
go get -u
mkdir -p ./src/ && cd "$_"
curl > main.go
go get -u
go run main.go
  • The cmd/ directory contains the main applications for the project. Each subdirectory under cmd/ represents a separate application.

  • The internal/ directory contains packages that are used only by the main applications in cmd/.

  • The pkg/ directory contains packages that are shared by multiple applications.

  • The vendor/ directory contains copies of external dependencies that are used by the project.

  • The go.mod file contains the module definition for the project.

  • The go.sum file contains the cryptographic hashes of the dependencies used in the project.

├── cmd/
│   └── server/
│       └── main.go
├── internal/
│   ├── config/
│   ├── handlers/
│   ├── middleware/
│   ├── models/
│   └── routes/
├── pkg/
├── vendor/
├── go.mod
└── go.sum

In this structure, the cmd/ directory holds the main application executable, which in this case would be the server. The internal/ directory contains the internal packages used by the application, including config/, handlers/, middleware/, models/, and routes/. The pkg/ directory is used to store reusable packages that can be used by other Go projects. The vendor/ directory holds the external dependencies of the project.

This structure follows the standard layout recommended by the Go community and makes it easier to organize the code in a modular and scalable way. However, this is just a recommendation and you are free to organize your code in a way that works best for you and your project.


  • ""

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

  • go get -u

Build project

  • go build -o main ./cmd/server

Check memory usage of go

  • go build -o main
  • pgrep -fl main
  • top -p 126868
  • ps -p 126868 -o pid,rss,vsz --sort -rss | awk '{print $1, $2/1024, $3/1024}'

RSS: is the actually memory being used.

VSZ: is allocated memory

Compare Kotlin and Go

Application PID RSS (MB) VSZ (MB)
Kotlin 129856 478.5 16.1
Go 126868 20.3 1.8

Go Commands

go mod init

go mod init <module-name>


go mod download


go build -o main


go test -v ./...

clean up

go mod tidy


go mod verify


go mod graph